Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB) are pleased to share an essential 7-Minute Briefing about 'Reasonable Adjustments' needed to services to ensure people can access and benefit from them as easily as everybody else. The briefing details who reasonable adjustments should be applied to; examples of different types of reasonable adjustments; and the importance of ensuring people feel empowered, anticipating barriers, and recording and reviewing any adjustments needed.

7-Minute Briefings are based on research which suggests that seven minutes is an ideal time span in which to concentrate and learn. Learning for 7 minutes is manageable in most services and often more memorable as it is necessarily brief and not clouded by other issues and pressures. These short, safeguarding snapshots can be a helpful way to support team learning. Please discuss this briefing within your teams, complete the OSAB 7-Minute Briefing Team Discussion Feedback Form to record and evidence how you have used the briefing and send a copy to OSAB.

Click on the image or link below to take a look.

OSAB 7 Minute Briefing - Reasonable Adjustments.pdf

OSAB regularly produces briefings to support professional safeguarding practice. Each briefing covers an area of practice, a summary of key research or guidance or learning from audits and serious cases. These briefings are produced to raise awareness and to promote reflective discussions amongst practitioners within Oldham partner agencies and can be found on the ‘Briefings’ page.