Members of Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB) and Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP) developed the Oldham Transitions Policy to explain why Transitions work is so important. The experience of Transition has often been described as a ‘Cliff Edge’ with some young people reaching the age of 18 only to find themselves without the care and support they need as an adult due to different eligibility thresholds between children’s and adults’ services, which means that some young people are no longer eligible for statutory support when they turn 18. The policy sets out best practice for how local services should work together to support not only young people with care and support needs who are eligible for adult services under the Care Act, but also young people who are not eligible under the Care Act but who are at high risk of experiencing harm or abuse and likely to need support as an adult. 

OSAB and OSCP are pleased to provide practitioners with a 7-Minute Briefing concerning the Transition to Adult Services Process. Please click on the image below to take a look.