OSAB Multi-Agency Training
Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board are pleased to offer members of staff from all partner agencies the opportunity to attend training focused on key safeguarding topics. Please take a look at the training currently available to book:
Training Session/Event | Times/Dates | Delivery/Venue | More Information and Book your Place |
Professional Curiosity and Unconscious Bias Training |
| Online via Microsoft Teams | |
Mental Capacity Act Training |
| Online via Microsoft Teams | |
So Called Honour-Based Violence and Abuse Training |
| In Person: Rock Street Resource Centre, Rock Street, Oldham OL1 3UJ | More Information |
How to Make a Safeguarding Adult Referral Training |
| Online via Microsoft Teams | |
Risk Management in Oldham Training: Team Around the Adult and the TRAM Protocol |
| Online via Microsoft Teams | |
Trauma Informed Practice |
| Online via Microsoft Teams | |
Opening Doors Training – Transforming the Response to Domestic Abuse in Later Life |
| Online via Microsoft Teams | |
Hoarding Lunch and Learn Training |
| Online via Microsoft Teams | |
Adult Self-Neglect and Hoarding Training |
| Online via Microsoft Teams | |
Introduction to Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Training |
| Online via Microsoft Teams | |
Exploitation in the form of Predatory Marriage Training | Now available to watch online. |
OSCP Multi-Agency Training
Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership also offer members of staff from all partner agencies the opportunity to attend training focused on key safeguarding topics. Many of these are relevant to practitioners working with Adults particularly training opportunities related to domestic abuse. Take a look at the latest courses and dates available via the website: Training from Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership.
OSAB Workforce Development and Training Strategy
OSAB has a duty to ensure that partners provide training for staff and volunteers on legislation, policies, procedures and professional practices that reflect the local safeguarding adult arrangements. The purpose of the strategy below is to set out the Board's vision and framework for adult safeguarding training. It sets out priorities for staff development based on OSAB’s Three-Year Strategy, Care Act responsibilities, competency requirements and learning from Oldham’s Safeguarding Adult Reviews. All partner agencies of the Board have agreed to adopt the strategy.
OSAB Workforce Development and Training Strategy 2024-27.pdf
Please find a wide range of free or low cost e-learning below, designed to support work to safeguard adults at risk.
Advocacy under the Care Act - eLearning from the Social Care Institute for Excellence
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Early Trauma
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Early Trauma - eLearning from the Home Office
Counter Terrorism
Action Counters Terrorism - eLearning from Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Awareness
Channel and Prevent
Introduction to Prevent – eLearning package from HM Government
Prevent Referrals - course from the Home Office
Prevent responsibilities in further education and training – course from the Education and Training Foundation
Radicalisation/Channel General Awareness – course from the Home Office
Cyber Security
Introduction to Cyber Security: Stay Safe Online – online course from the Open University
Dementia Awareness – awareness course from the Social Care Institute for Excellence
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
DoLS - eLearning from the Social Care Institute for Excellence
Disability Basics – eLearning from Disability Matters
Domestic Abuse and the Toxic Trio
Domestic Abuse and Violence Support Services - Endeavour - A pet fostering service and support for owners fleeing domestic abuse
Domestic Violence and Abuse, Problematic Substance Misuse and Mental Distress – eLearning courses from the AVA Project
Freedom Project | Dog Fostering Support | Dogs Trust
Lifeline - Cats Protection
Understanding Animal Welfare in Violent Homes - "When animals are abused, people are at risk”. Online course from the Virtual College
Domestic Homicide Reviews
Domestic homicide review training for front line practitioners – online course from the Home Office
Drugs and Addiction
Understanding drugs and addiction - online course from Future Learn
Female Genital Mutilation
FGM Training from the Home Office
FGM Resource Pack from the Home Office
Forced Marriage
Awareness of Forced Marriage - a free course from Virtual College
Infection Control
Infection Control Course – eLearning from the Social Care Institute for Excellence. Help prevent Covid-19 from spreading.
Mental Capacity Act
Mental Capacity Act – eLearning from the Social Care Institute for Excellence
Mental Health
Parental Mental Health and Families - eLearning from the Social Care Institute for Excellence
Mental Health of Older People - eLearning from the Social Care Institute for Excellence
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Adults - eLearning from NHS Health Education England
Safeguarding Adults – eLearning from the Social Care Institute for Excellence
Suicide Awareness
Lets Talk - awareness training from the Zero Suicide Alliance
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
T: 0161 770 7777
All content © 2025 Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board
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