Policies and procedures

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Please find details below for each of the Oldham multi-agency safeguarding adults policies and procedures.

Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
All partner agencies of Board have agreed that the adult safeguarding procedures should govern all safeguarding work with adults at risk in Oldham. The policy, therefore, applies to all professionals and agencies working with adults at risk in the borough.
OSAB Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy (Part 1).pdf
OSAB Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Procedures (Part 2).pdf
OSAB Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Procedures (Part 3).pdf

Supporting Documents
7-Minute Briefing - Making a Safeguarding Adult Referral.pdf
OSAB Adult Safeguarding Procedures One-Page Guide.pdf

OSAB Body Maps.pdf

Multi-Agency Strategy, Guidance and Toolkit for Self-Neglect and Hoarding
All partner agencies of Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board and Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership have agreed to adopt the Strategy and Practitioner Toolkit below.
OSAB & OSCP Self-Neglect and Hoarding Strategy.pdf
OSAB & OSCP Self-Neglect Toolkit.pdf

Tiered Risk Assessment and Management (TRAM) Protocol
This multi-agency protocol has been developed to support any practitioner working with adults where there is a high level of risk that would benefit from joint multi-agency management and senior oversight of risk management strategies. This protocol enables a coordinated and collaborative multi-agency response to risk.
OSAB TRAM Protocol.pdf

Supporting Documents
OSAB TRAM Protocol - A Summary Guide.pdf
OSAB TRAM Protocol Flowchart.pdf
OSAB Lead Professional Guidance
OSAB Professional Curiosity Guidance
OSAB Guidance Where the Individual or Family are Not Engaging with Services
OSAB Trauma Informed Practice Guidance for Practitioners 

OSAB Data Sharing Agreement
Learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews highlights the need for OSAB partners to share information and knowledge of risk factors to prevent serious harm or death. This Data Sharing Agreement recognises that there will be times when organisations need to share safeguarding information outside of Section 42 and Section 44 Care Act (2014) legislation.
OSAB Data Sharing Agreement.pdf

Preparing for Adulthood: Oldham’s Transitions Policy
This policy explains why Transitions work is so important as the experience of Transition has often been described as a ‘Cliff Edge’ with some young people reaching the age of 18 only to find themselves without the care and support they need as an adult due to different eligibility thresholds between children’s and adults’ services, which means that some young people are no longer eligible for statutory support when they turn 18. The policy sets out best practice for how local services should work together to support not only young people with care and support needs who are eligible for adult services under the Care Act, but also young people who are not eligible under the Care Act but who are at high risk of experiencing harm or abuse and likely to need support as an adult.
OSAB & OSCP Transitions Policy.pdf

OSAB and HM Coroner’s Office for Manchester North Information Sharing Procedures
The purpose of this protocol is to establish effective and consistent notification and information sharing between those involved in Adults and Children’s Safeguarding Procedures and Her Majesty’s Coroner Office to ensure that in practice the Coroner is informed by the relevant Local Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) of all deaths which are to be subject of a multi-agency review e.g. Safeguarding Adult Review and the Coroner notifies the relevant LSAB if it is felt that a multi-agency review should be considered.
HM Coroner Manchester North Information Sharing Protocol.pdf

Multi-Agency Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Policy and Procedure
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides a statutory framework to empower and protect vulnerable people who may not be able to make their own decisions. It makes it clear who can take decisions in which situations and how they should go about this and enables people to plan ahead for a time when they may lose capacity. This document informs all multi-agency staff about the arrangements for working with service users over the age of 16 with impaired mental capacity and sets out the procedures to follow in assessing capacity and making best interest decisions.
OSAB Multi-Agency Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Policy and Procedure for Staff.pdf

Supporting Documents
OSAB Practical Guide to Assessing Capacity and Making Best Interests Decisions under the Mental Capacity Act
OSAB Mental Capacity Assessments Guidance: What Questions Should I Ask?
OSAB Executive Functioning Guidance
OSAB Best Interest Meeting Guidance

Adult Complex Safeguarding & Exploitation Strategy 2024-27
This Adult Complex Safeguarding and Exploitation Strategy has been developed as a joint initiative between the Children’s and Adults Safeguarding Boards and members of Oldham’s Community Safety Partnership.
Adult Complex Safeguarding & Exploitation Strategy 2024-27

Supporting Documents
Oldham Practitioner Modern Slavery Toolkit
Oldham Practitioner Adult Sexual Exploitation Toolkit
Oldham Practitioner Financial Exploitation Toolkit
Oldham Practitioner Cuckooing Guidance
Greater Manchester Guide to Exploitation and Organised Immigration Crime in the Care Sector

Guidance and Procedure for Adults Allegation Management
All partner agencies of Board have approved this framework and process for responding to allegations and issues of concern that are raised about a person who may have harmed, or who may pose a risk, to adults at risk.
OSAB Guidance and Procedure for Adults Allegation Management.pdf

Supporting Documents
Allegation Management Referral Form.docx
Information for Adults with Care and Support Needs.pdf
Information for Families, Informal Carers and Advocates.pdf
Information for Employers.pdf
Information for Employees.pdf

Strategy Meeting Confidentiality Statement and Attendance Form.docx
Strategy Meeting Agenda Template.docx
Second Strategy Meeting Agenda Template.docx

Multi-Agency Escalation and Resolution Conversations Protocol
All partner agencies of Board have agreed to adopt the Protocol below concerning resolution conversations and escalations.
OSAB Escalation and Resolution Conversations Protocol.pdf

Oldham Safeguarding Adult Reviews Policy
This policy outlines the process for the management of Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) in Oldham under Section 44 of the Care Act 2014. This protocol has been developed to simplify and clarify the local process and has now been endorsed by the Board.
OSAB Safeguarding Adults Review Policy.pdf

Oldham Domestic Abuse Policy and Strategy
The strategy and policy have been approved and accepted by the Domestic Abuse Partnership, Oldham Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board. The strategy sets out Oldham's community and partnership approach to domestic abuse and identifies Oldham's boroughwide priorities. The policy aims to provide the framework of a consistent and effective response to tackling domestic abuse.
Oldham Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-2024
Oldham Multi-Agency Domestic Abuse Policy.pdf

Supporting Document
Greater Manchester MARAC Referral Form.docx

Prevent Safeguarding Policy and Procedures Oldham
This policy and guidance have been developed from the Greater Manchester Safeguarding Partnership’s protocol and adapted to meet the needs of Oldham Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Board and Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board. The document was updated in January 2024 to reflect changes in legislation and procedures.
Policy and procedures for safeguarding people at risk of being drawn into terrorism, or extremism leading to terrorism.pdf

Oldham Cares Pain Assessment Tools
The tools below can be used for individuals with a cognitive impairment. 'My Pain Profile' is an easy read document that has been designed for use with the individual and/or their family members. The 'Pain Assessment Monitoring Tool' has been designed for staff working with the individual to monitor the pain. It will be each service’s responsibility to make the tools available to their staff. Use of the documents is not mandatory however it is recognised that pain should be monitored routinely and therefore services should ask themselves, if they do not use the tools, what alternative methods do they have in place as evidence of pain assessment.
Oldham Cares My Pain Profile
Oldham Cares Pain Assessment Monitoring Tool

All content © 2024 Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board

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