Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB)

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About OSAB
Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board is a partnership of agencies and organisations whose aim is to safeguard adults who are vulnerable to, at risk of or are experiencing abuse and neglect.

The Board has a statutory responsibility under the Care Act 2014 for leading strategic and operational safeguarding adults work within Oldham. The board is also required to assure itself that organisations and agencies across Oldham are effectively ensuing the safety and promoting the interests of adults who are vulnerable to abuse and neglect.

Independent Chair
Since January 2018, Dr Henri Giller LL.B, LL.M, PH.D, (Cantab) has provided independent chairmanship of the Board.

The Independent Chair: 

  • provides leadership and is accountable for the effective working of the Board, ensuring that all tasks and responsibilities are completed to a high standard, in a timely and proportionate manner, and in accordance with the requirements of the Care Act 2014 and other relevant legislation. 
  • promotes a collaborative learning culture between board members that makes sure that learning is taken from Safeguarding Adult Reviews and other areas of work. 
  • ensures that the voices of people who need care and support and their families, are heard and acted upon within the Board’s work and that the principles of ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ are embedded in the work of the board.

Dr Henri Giller

All content © 2024 Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board

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