Below you will find a wide range of resources and guidance from national and local services for use by Care Homes.
Modern Slavery in Regulated Care
Oldham Modern Slavery Toolkit and 7-Minute Briefings
Improve your awareness of Modern Slavery by taking a look at the Oldham Modern Slavery Toolkit including a local pathway and a supporting 7-Minute Briefing focused on Modern Slavery in Regulated Care including the responsibilities of providers, potential indicators of Modern Slavery, questions for providers to consider and what to do should you come across anyone you believe could be a victim of Modern Slavery.
OSAB Modern Slavery in Regulated Care 7-Minute Briefing
OSAB Modern Slavery 7-Minute Briefing
Oldham Modern Slavery Toolkit
Greater Manchester Guide to Exploitation and Organised Immigration Crime in the Care Sector
Skills for Care Videos
Skills for Care have also launched a great series of bite sized videos where representatives from Hestia and the National Care Forum, cover the warning signs and give an overview of what you need to know about modern slavery.
Covert Administration of Medicines
Guidance for the Covert Administration of Medicines in Care Home Settings
Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB) endorses the Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group and Greater Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups 'Guidance for the Covert Administration of Medicines in Care Home Settings'. The document provides guidance to health and social care professionals and care home staff working with care homes in Greater Manchester, who may be considering the use of covert administration for a resident or already administering medicines covertly as part of an agreed treatment plan for a resident. It is expected that any care home’s covert administration policy will be aligned with this guidance document.
Introduction to Sepsis and Serious Illness from NHS Health Education England
Recognising Deterioration in People with Learning Disabilities from NHS Health Education England
Pressure Ulcers
Pressure Ulcer Prevention from NHS Sunderland CCG
Recognising Deteriorating Residents
Soft Signs of Deterioration from NHS Health Education England
NEWS - National Early Warning Score in Care Homes from NHS Health Education England
Stop and Watch Resources from NHS Sunderland CCG
Stop and Watch is a tool that everyone can use to help spot the warning signs that a person's condition is deteriorating. By recognising these signs you can reduce a person’s risk of morbidity, further disability, organ failure, or sometimes even death.
Take a look at a Stop and Watch Information Leaflet here.
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
T: 0161 770 7777
All content © 2024 Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board
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