What to do if you are worried about an adult

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If you suspect a person is at immediate risk of harm call 999 and speak to the Police. 

If you are concerned about an Adult suffering abuse, neglect or harm, or at risk of being PLEASE SPEAK TO SOMEONE. Contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team: 

Call: 0161 770 7777 (8:40-17:00, Monday-Friday) or 0161 770 6936
(Emergency Duty Team outside of these hours)

Email: adult.mash@oldham.gov.uk
Fax: 0161 770 1576
Online: complete the Online Professional Referral Form

More Information and Guidance
A 7-Minute Briefing about making a Safeguarding Adult Referral can be found here and a one-page to Adult Safeguarding Procedures can be found here. The Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Procedures can be read in full here.

Making a Formal Adult Safeguarding Referral
For a partner professional, a formal Adult Safeguarding Referral will be required. If there is a known Adult Social Care team already involved with the adult at risk, and you have direct contact details, the referral can be sent directly to the team’s duty worker. The team’s duty worker will then record the Adult Safeguarding Concern and ensure it is dealt with as quickly as possible by the most appropriate person. If in doubt regarding the appropriate team, refer your concern via the MASH.

Where the issues being raised are time-critical and Emergency Protection Measures may be required, the Council (either via the appropriate Adult Social Care team, or via MASH) should be contacted directly either in person or by phone. An Adult Safeguarding Referral form is still required and should follow as soon as is safe and appropriate to do so. 

Raising an Adult Safeguarding Referral Checklist
If you have information that an adult at risk is potentially experiencing abuse or neglect, it is useful to consider the following checklist:

Information required: Have you gathered enough information to raise the referral? 

  • Personal details (Name, Date of Birth, Address) 
  • What is the nature of abuse/potential abuse? 
  • Does the person have care and support needs? 
  • What does the adult at risk want to happen? 
  • Persons individual circumstances which may impact/increase risk 

Immediate Safety
Does the person need emergency medical treatment or the police to attend urgently? If so call 999.
Has a crime been committed? Call 101 if non-emergency. Consider and seek advice from police about preserving evidence.
Have you documented the concern/incident and all actions taken?
Have you provided support and reassurance to the adult at risk? Have you provided support to people e.g. employees who may have identified the safeguarding concern?

Contacting Emergency Services
It is important to ensure the safety of an adult at risk when you are raising a concern, such as the need for emergency medical treatment or police intervention if a crime is taking place. Criminal offenses of a sexual nature will require expert advice from the police. Where an adult is at risk of abuse and neglect consideration should be given as to whether a criminal offence has occurred. If it is considered a crime has or may have occurred this should be referred to the police immediately and separately to the raising of the Adult Safeguarding Referral.

Preserving Evidence
If the police are contacted, it is important that forensic and other evidence is not contaminated or lost. Advice should be sought from the police about how to preserve evidence in specific situations. Evidence may be present even if it is not cannot be seen, therefore precautions should be taken, such as:

  • do not disturb the scene or move any ‘evidence’ where possible 
  • secure the scene i.e. by locking a room or a property where the incident took place 
  • keep any documents, containers as potential evidence 

Guidance for Health, Social Care and related providers
It is the responsibility of any individual or organisation who is affiliated to Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board to take action if they suspect abuse of an adult subject to the safeguarding concern. There should be safeguarding policies and procedures detailing responsibilities of all staff (and volunteers) within registered health and social care organisations.

Supporting People to be Safe in Oldham Leaflets
Please help us to raise awareness about safeguarding adults by printing and sharing our leaflets. They provide information and advice about how to raise concerns if someone is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect, and how to spot the signs of abuse or neglect.
OSAB Safeguarding Leaflet - How to Spot the Signs and How to Report (Online Version)
OSAB Safeguarding Leaflet - How to Spot the Signs and How to Report (For Printing)
OSAB Safeguarding Leaflet - Stop Adult Abuse (Ukrainian)

All content © 2024 Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board

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